Jeff Hudecek

Multimedia Portfolio

Puritan Press

Puritan Press

role: developer

skills used: HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JQuery, WordPress Administration


description: Puritan Press is a New Hampshire based printing company. I worked on their website during my time at Sametz Blackstone Associates as a Digital Media Developer. With a small team including myself, a designer, and relationship manager, we worked with the client to identify how best to meet their functionality requirements while complying with their budgetary needs. We took them from a static site to an open source content management system with an easy to maintain back end. This allowed the client to easily update the various sections of their site, which included several graphical galleries, text-based articles, and submission forms. I was responsible for all coding, implementation, and technical training for the client. The site was completed in late 2011.

Resume Excerpt


Digital Strategy & IA
Web Design
Front End Web Development
Project Management
Game Design
Motion Graphics & Animation
Video Editing


Drupal & WordPress
Google Analytics, Data Studio, & Search Console
Adobe CC Suite
Microsoft Office & Sharepoint


Harvard Graduate School of Education
Drupal Specialist
Nov 2016 - Present

Harvard Magazine
Web and Technical Support Specialist
May 2013 - Nov 2016

Sametz Blackstone Associates
Digital Media Developer
Boston, MA
June 2008 - March 2012


Emerson College, Boston, MA
BFA Visual Media Arts
Concentration: New Media
Graduation: May 2008
GPA: 3.84

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